The Principal’s Goodwill Message to the 2019 Graduating Students
“The journey of a thousand miles they say, begins with a step.” Your journey into Logos International Secondary School (LOGISS) began on a particular day and ends today, the 26th of July, 2019. You are about to embark on another journey for which LOGISS has prepared you, to face the challenges of the macro and more complex society. You must have wondered when your journey through LOGISS would come to an end, and you also must have wished that it ended sooner. Well, there is a me for everything, and today is that day that seemed so far away, which you yearned for so much. Today marks the end of your stay in LOGISS, and indeed, a solemn moment.
It seems like just yesterday when your predecessors stood in your present position and you had wished that you were the ones. Three hundred and sixty-five days have actually elapsed since then and here you are in that position you had coveted so much. This should prove to you that me is not constant but always on the move, and it waits for no man. Let this be a watchword for you in life and a guide to all your actions.
You must never put forward what you can do in the present because procrastination they say, is a thief of me. Opportunities are like the match stick which can never be used again, once it has been utilized. Opportunity lost can never be regained since no one can rewind the hand of the clock so as to go back, or even fast forward it. Time, like the frog, always moves forward and never backward. Make the best use of your me as you go out there, where there will be nobody to remind you with the bell or cane, that it is me to do what you have to do as a responsible human being.
Beloved children, life is like a fertile piece of land that gives back double fold, every labour you put into it. If you sow good seeds you reap good fruits, but when you sow bad ones, the reverse then becomes the case. Whatever seed you sow, you bountifully reap. Do not spoil your harvest by sowing tares. You are living testimonies of God or Satan. So only you can say whose testimony you are; for by your fruits, you shall be known. But I implore you therefore to continue to be the living testimony of the Spirit of God, which has been your guide throughout your stay here and be good ambassadors of this citadel of learning, throughout your life me. Go into the world to shine the light and show that you are products of one of the best schools in Sub-Saharan Africa. Farewell and may our good Lord bless and keep you all in JESUS name, Amen!
School Principal.